There comes a time in every relationship when you question where the relationship is going. You wonder if you have a future or if it’s just a fling? You ask yourself if this person is right for you. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, it’s the easiest question in the world. For others, it might be hard to tell. Fortunately , we’ve come up with some clear signs that will make you see red flags and start to notice that you’re actually dating the wrong person.
You don’t feel good about yourself when you’re together
Self love is more important than ever. When you love yourself it shows. You radiate happiness and that, in turn, is great for your relationship. If you know you’re in a good place but your s.o. takes that feeling away, then that person is not the right person for you. That person needs to make you feel happy, proud and excited whether you’re in the same room as them or not. If you don’t feel good about yourself when you’re together, then you’re definitely dating the wrong person.
They don’t want to spend time with your family or friends and/or they don’t want you to meet theirs
Once you build a foundation, it’s time to meet the other people in your lives. Your friends and family know you the best and can will tell if you’re with the right person or not. If you’ve made plans with your family and you’re s.o. has agreed, then you’re already in a better place than most. It’s when they’re not open to meeting these people that there’s a problem.
You learn so much about a person based on what their friends are like and if they don’t want to spend time with them, then you’re dating the wrong person.
Only talks about themselves
Now, this is an easy one. In your relationship, you are both equals. Each of you deserves just as much respect and compassion as the other. If you’re with a person who is constantly talking about themselves and never has anything nice to say about you or the people around you, then you’re with the wrong person.
Ignores your requests even when they’re very specific and reasonable
Relationships are all about give and take. If you make a suggestion or a request and your partner either ignores you or chooses not to listen, then you’re with the wrong person. Sure, sometimes you’re going to disagree, but no one deserves to be ignored.
Attacks you when you have a disagreement
Disagreements and fights happen. That’s life. But there are ways to handle it. Don’t jump down each others throats. Don’t walk away. And yes, this might sound like a cliche, but never go to bed angry.
If you’re being attacked when you’re having a disagreement, if you can’t win or they are taking control of the situation, then you are with the wrong person.
There you have five clear signs that you’re dating the wrong person. Yes, there might be more but you’re just going to have to meet someone to find out.