A first date can be nerve-wracking. And, for that reason, it can be really tricky to decide what’s appropriate to talk about. On one hand, you want to let your true self shine through. But, on the other hand, you want to make the best impression possible. So, where’s the balance?

An ideal first date conversation is fluid and full of chemistry. You don’t want to be stuck with a date who won’t stop talking about their cat. And, you definitely don’t want to bore your date either!

Deciding on what to discuss on a first date is not an exact science. There may come a time when you venture on a first date and discover that you and your date hit it off talking about one topic the entire time. Or, you may find that everything you want to talk about, your date doesn’t.

And though, we can’t imagine every first date situation that may arise, we can help you with some general DO and DON’T topics to discuss.

Do: Talk About Your Passions!

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Passionate people are sexy. That’s why it’s important to let your date know that you have activities in your life that excite you. No one wants to date someone who just goes home after work to sit in boredom. Let your date know what truly makes your heart leap whether it be fitness, the outdoors, art, or traveling!

Don’t: Talk About Work

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Ok, so when we say don’t talk about work, we don’t mean you can’t tell your date what you do for a living. What we mean is don’t talk about the day-to-day stressors that come from your work environment. First dates are supposed to be positive and hopeful, so don’t go in with negative energy. And, definitely, don’t complain about your co-workers. That’s a total turn-off.

Do: Talk About Your Goals

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Goal-oriented people are seen as being confident, secure, and stable. These goals could be career goals such as getting a promotion or personal goals such as traveling to a new country or learning a new language. Whatever your goal is, share it with your date. Maybe they’ll be inspired by your high standards of yourself.

Don’t: Talk About Your Insecurities

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Never treat a first date like a therapy session. Your new friend does not need to know about all the insecurities that you have. That’s basically like you pointing out your flaws and asking them to still give you a chance. We, as humans, all have things that make us feel a little less than perfect, but there is no reason to discuss them with someone you just met.

Do: Talk About Your Family and Friends

First Date Friends and Family
Image Credit: Pixabay

If your friends and your family play a major part in your life, then there is no shame discussing them on a first date. You don’t have to go into major detail about every single person on your Facebook friends list, but a story here and there relating to family and friends is totally acceptable.

Don’t: Talk About Your Ex

First Date Your Ex
Image Credit: Pixabay

Ok, we cannot stress this enough- DO NOT talk about your Ex. You are on a first date with a potential life partner. There is no reason to bring your past into the equation. Give this new love story a good beginning by leaving your Ex out of the mix.

Do: Talk About Experiences

First Date Experiences
Image Credit: Pixabay

Our life experiences are what make us who we are. And, it’s only natural to want to share some of them with a new friend. Just be sure to share positive memories such as that time you studied abroad or how you learned how to play basketball with your father. These heartwarming memories make great first-date stories.