Who Is a Matchmaking Service’s Dream Client?
I often get questions about my clientele. People are curious, perhaps even testing the waters for themselves, about what type of person uses a matchmaker. For an experienced matchmaker, over time you see all types of people and relationships. There are, however, a few common characteristics that make up a true “dream” client.

A perfect client for a matchmaker in New York City is frequently:
A Social Butterfly
I love meeting clients who are extroverted people, active in their daily lives, and happy to juggle friends, family, work, and dating. Typically when people are busy and social, they have a good sense of how to prioritize what makes them happy. They are also excellent at meeting new people, and giving a warm first impression. When you enjoy socializing, you can navigate any first-date hiccups with ease. This quality can make an individual very “matchable.”
A Hard Worker with An Open Heart
This probably comes as no small surprise, but most of my clients are successful and driven professionals. Ideal clients have strong and growing careers, by virtue of their own hard work. Meaningful dating and the path towards love require diligence and hard work. I am all too happy to meet people who are ready to focus their ambition in a new direction. Namely, finding a meaningful match. And of course, to take this leap, requires an open heart.
Ready for Something Real
Self-assured and balanced. No one is perfect, but my ideal clients tend to be people who are at peace. In order to pursue a truly meaningful relationship, you need to reconcile any baggage from past relationships or insecurities, and be ready for something real. My favorite clients are the ones who know right out of the gate that they are ready for an honest and mature relationship.
Does any of this sound familiar? Then you may be a perfect candidate for professional matchmaking services. Take the plunge, and drop us a line to learn more.