New York's Premier Matchmaker
In the whirlwind of New York City, finding a match can be tough, much less falling in love. That’s where Fay Goldman, a professional matchmaker with over 20 years of experience, excels.
You invest in cars, homes and even clothes, but how much have you invested in your love life? As one of the elite matchmakers in NYC, we give you back your time, and with our personalized touch, we get your love life back on track. Don’t wait to date amazing and successful singles – Invest in your love life today.

Fay in the New York Times
press & articles
"This being the week when Cupid draws back his bow, we were wondering about a possible seasonal malady. Is there such a thing as Valentine’s Day anxiety in this city, a cousin perhaps to the agita that overtakes some people around Christmas?
In search of an answer, we took Fay Goldman to lunch. Ms. Goldman is a matchmaker."